대학수학능력시험 영어영역에서 29번 문항은 문법적 판단(grammar judgment)을 요구하는 문제로, 난이도가 높아 수험생들이 자주 틀리는 이유는 여러 가지가 있다. 물론 주관적이기는 하지만 주요 원인은 다음과 같이 분석 할 수 있다.

1. 출제 의도: 세부적이고 복합적인 문법 포인트
29번 문항은 고난도 문법 지식과 이를 정확히 적용할 수 있는 능력을 평가합니다. 단순한 문법 규칙이 아니라, 복합적인 문장 구조와 미세한 오류를 찾아야 하는 경우가 많습니다.
틀리기 쉬운 문법: 동사의 시제 및 태, 관용적 표현의 정확한 사용 여부, 명사절과 형용사절의 구분 등
Imagine if we ①had to consider every single muscle/ that needed to be contracted or relaxed just to stand up and walk.
2. 지문이 길고 복잡한 구조
해당 문항은 지문의 문장이 길고 복잡한 문장 구조를 포함하는 경우가 많습니다. 수험생들은 구조 파악에 어려움을 겪으며, 특히 긴 문장에서 핵심 오류를 찾는 데 시간이 부족합니다.
It would be tiresome and very slow ― as patients recovering from a brain injury affecting the motor system ②know. (knows)
3. 헷갈리기 쉬운 정답 옵션 구성
문법적으로 거의 맞는 문장처럼 보이지만 아주 미세한 차이로 틀리게 만든 선지가 출제됩니다. 수험생들이 잘못된 문법을 올바른 문법으로 착각하거나, 너무 세세하게 생각하다가 틀릴 수 있습니다.
예시: 관계대명사 vs 접속사 혼동, 시제 일치 오류, 가정법 도치 구문의 어순, 등...
It is the older parts of our brain ④that support these automatic processes that allow us to move, hear, see, and use many of our social skills.
4. 영어 문장 구조에 대한 익숙하지 않음
일부 수험생은 영어의 문장 구조와 문맥 내 문법적 오류를 찾는 훈련이 부족합니다. 우리말과 완전히 다른 영어구조는 분사구문이나, 수동, 능동과 같이 해석하여 의미 파악이 쉽지 않는 경우가 많이 있습니다.
The autopilot parts of our brain do it for us automatically, ③freeing up our conscious mind for more important jobs.
5. 시간 관리의 실패
시간이 부족해 제대로 판단하지 못하고 감에 의존해 답을 고르는 경우가 많습니다. 줄친 부분만 대충보고 서둘러서 정답을 고르는 오류를 범하기 쉽습니다. 요즘은 전체적인 의미파악을 통한 구조에서 문법적 오류를 찾아내는 3점짜리 고난이도 문항도 출제 됩니다.
6. 심리적 부담: 29번 문제는 고난이도 문제로 알려져 있어, 수험생들이 이 문제를 접할 때 심리적 부담을 느끼기 쉽습니다. 그래서 그냥 동사 찍고 가자입니다. 이는 문제를 해결하는 데 방해가 될 수 있습니다.
7. 해결 방안:
a. 자주 출제되는 문법 포인트를 정리하고 반복 학습
평소 지문속에서 주어 동사확인 학습과 끊어 읽기 연습이 필요합니다.
b. 오답 노트를 만들어 자주 실수하는 유형을 분석
영어의 오답노트는 단어와 구문연습, 그리고 문법 문제 확인 학습입니다.
c. 시간을 정해 실전 연습을 통해 빠르고 정확하게 판단하는 능력을 키우는 것이 중요합니다.
혹시 이 문제 유형의 예시가 필요하거나 관련 학습 자료가 필요할 것 같아서 수능기출 어법 문제 pdf 다운해서 풀어보세요...
수능 평가원 모의고사 어법 문제
수능특강 11강. 어법 정확성 파악 pdf
Think of yourself. When you decide to get up and get a drink of water, for example, you don’t consciously organize or consider the host of steps involved. Imagine if we had to consider every single muscle that needed to be contracted or relaxed just to stand up and walk. It would be tiresome and very slow — as patients recovering from a brain injury affecting the motor system know. The autopilot parts of our brain do it for us automatically, freeing up our conscious mind for more important jobs. It is the older parts of our brain that support these automatic processes that allow us to move, hear, see, and use many of our social skills. More recently evolved abilities like talking, reading, and writing are far less automated. So, most of the time, what you are perceiving, feeling, or thinking is based on a very crude and fast analysis that happens completely without your awareness.
Green marketing tries to overcome consumer distrust to induce positive associations between businesses and the natural environment. Such marketers often make claims that are vague, irrelevant, misleading, or unprovable. Common techniques include using words that imply sustainability (clean, clear, natural, pure), images of nature, brown and green color schemes, and recycled- or organic-looking content. Companies sometimes promote a green image by sponsoring Earth Day events and making donations to ecological charities, or facilitating customers doing so. Some of these practices, aesthetics, and vocabulary were once emblematic of alternative media, many of which are driven by a sincere green ethos. Green marketing has become so suspect that some businesses avoid the term. Instead, they label their activities “sustainability communication,” which ideally engages audiences in supporting operational changes that substantially decrease a business’s environmental footprint and contribute to solving social problems.
Both poetry and mathematics are hard to understand. The reason for students’ difficulties is almost always the same: the teacher doesn’t say all that he knows. He skips things. Even if he is aware of everything that came before, he doesn’t have the time to spell them all out. Conveying a lot of information in a single statement is what compression is all about. And it is this type of compression that is responsible for the difficulty in understanding poetry and mathematics. But there is a significant difference between the two: the compression in mathematics is vertical, while poetical compression is horizontal. In other words, in mathematics many stages, built like floors one upon the other, are hidden within a single statement. In poetry, many distinct ideas, not necessarily vertically ordered, are compressed into one expression. This is why the vague understanding of poetry causes no harm, while a hazy comprehension of mathematics gets back at us in a later stage, when the next floor is built.
We do not recollect events exactly as we experienced them. Most often, our recollection of an event differs substantially from the actual event. This is because the way the brain processes and stores information differs from how a computer works. For example, we tend to extract the gist and meaning from our experiences so that what we infer may be mixed up with what we actually experience. If we hear a list of words related to sleep (e.g., bed, rest, awake, etc.), we tend to recollect “sleep” as being on the list, even though it is not. Also, unlike a computer recovering a file, some memories can interfere with the retrieval of other memories. If a long time has elapsed since experiencing a particular event, and if you have experienced similar events several times since the original experience, chances are you would find it difficult to recollect the original event exactly as it happened; your memory of the original event may get mixed up with memories of related events.
Power is a common form of the urge for control. There is an entire social science, political science, devoted to studying power — and that is a persuasive sign that it is an important and fundamental aspect of human life. Power essentially involves control over other people. Researcher David G. Winter defined it as the ability to produce intended effects on another person’s actions or emotions. Some may seek power as a means to an end, such as on the assumption that once one is elected, one will be able to bring about certain much-wanted changes. But others probably seek power for its own sake and derive satisfaction directly from being able to make other people change the way they act. Actually, the specific goal of people with a high craving for power appears to be that they want to have an impact on other people’s lives, which does not necessarily mean making people do things. Having an impact can be for good or ill, and a person with a high desire for power may enjoy giving money to a struggling family simply because it is satisfying to see how much she was able to change that family’s life.
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